Showing posts with label amune health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amune health. Show all posts

How to Train your Baby to Brush Teeth

It is very important for parents to take care of their
kid's teeth, as, teeth are not only important for health but also for their cute and beautiful smile. Now the question is when to start cleansing the teeth and why it is important to take care of baby teeth or milk teeth that do not last even for a decade and baby would have new permanent teeth at age of 6 or 7 years?

The answer is very simple. The most common disease among kids is tooth decay. Therefore we can do good for our kids to fight against the cavities, by training them properly for the maintenance of their teeth.
A toddler has twenty primary teeth that are for few years. But milk teeth are as important as adult or permanent teeth, because, milk teeth are basically a guide for adult teeth. If a child lost his baby teeth due to decay then he would not have enough space for adult teeth to appear. other than this the child will suffer from infection and pain and other problems related to teeth. Therefore it is very important to take care of the baby's teeth.

When a baby to start brushing teeth: 

The parents should clean the gums of their infants before appearing the teeth. You should clean their gums with a soft cloth, gauze, or infant-sized toothbrushes after every feeding. When your baby has first teeth at the age of 6 or 7 months you should have a visit to a dentist. And set up a proper routine of brushing teeth twice a day; after breakfast and before sleep. The toothbrush should be soft and small-headed. Brush your baby's teeth with water, don't use toothpaste until your child learn to spit.

When a child becomes 2 or 3 years old he should brush his teeth by himself. You can train him for self brushing in many ways. When you yourself brush your teeth, give brush in his hand and do brush together.
Or set a proper time for his brushing and make him follow the routine and properly guide him on how to brush his teeth. 
In short, toothbrush training is necessary for toddlers for their hygiene and beautiful smile.

Note: If you have some tips for training a baby to brush his teeth please share them in the comments.  

Is Your Baby's Eye Sight Normal !

Eyes are the great gift of God. Because of eyes, the world is colorful. If eyes are not working well, it means the world is dark and colorless. The parents should make sure the world is colorful for their kids. For this purpose, a child should be observed keenly by parents. 
Now the question is how to know about weak eyesight among kids, particularly, the kids under 1 year. It is not so difficult. It needs only a keen observation of parents. For example, when parents observe, that kid is insisted to watch TV standing or sitting quite in front of the TV, poking his face to the screen, and when you try to get him away or enforce him to sit or stand away from the TV, he gets irritated. Then there is a doubt, that the kid may have some eyesight problem. At this stage, the parents should be more careful about their kid, because, sometimes it causes a great loss for the child.
Here I wish to tell you about my own nephew who always insists to watch TV poking his face into the TV screen. He did never accept to go away from it. We did not notice, why he is doing so? We perceive it as only a bad habit. Anyway, the time passes and he becomes 7 years old and a regular school-going kid.  About a few months ago, we changed his school. At the first parent-teacher meeting, his parents were told about his eyesight problem. Because his teacher felt, that when he works from board sitting at his seat there are a lot of mistakes and when he works standing near the board there are no mistakes. She told his parents he may have weak eyesight. Anyhow, they got embarrassed, and rush to an Eye specialist. The Doctor told them that they are too late because his eyesight was below 3.5 at the age of seven and it was going down in plus. That means no recovery yet. 

I wish other parents should save their children from such a situation. If your child is doing something out of the way, you should find the reason for it.

Behavior problems in kids

 Kids struggle with several issues while they are growing up. In these days parenting has become a challenge because level of frustration is...