Showing posts with label lockdown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lockdown. Show all posts

Top 10 Activities for kids in Lockdown

 As COVID_19 has hit the world the life has taken a big U-turn. The living and dealing have gone through big changes. It seems as the world is filled with horrible surprises. the world is facing challenges, so the parents are also facing challenges regarding their children/kids. Kids are trapped indoor and are getting frustrated.

I have met many parents complaining about the frustrated behavior of their kids during the lockdown. Kids need to be busy to consume their energy. There are some indoor activities that will help parents to get their kids busy. 

Create Family Time Diary. 

Create a family diary in which not down all special occasions, important events, and fun moments. Ask kids to portray the events in an amazing way. Or, everyday memories can be kept in your family diary.

Arrange a Menu

Arrange a menu and get your kids involved in deciding simple dishes. Let them do the simple task of cooking as well. For example, they can make a smoothie, can wash and arrange ingredients. Can make a card of nutritional facts of the main ingredient of the day. For example, you decided to take potato as the main ingredient of the day; means potato-based recipes will be cooked, they can search and state the nutritional facts of potato in an artistic way and you can place it on the dining table to let the family members know what they are going to take. 

Shoot the Moments

Nowadays, almost everyone has a smartphone that has cameras. If you do not professional camera then your cellphone camera will work best for shooting some moments. You or your child can shoot fun moments, special events, or even any type of natural or casual moment. For example, a butterfly in the lawn, a pet's funny acts, a recipe, or anything else that appeals to you or your child.  


You can develop a story for your child. You can encourage your kid to make the story of his/her choice. 

Play Spell games

This is really a wonderful activity that not only engages the children but increases their vocabulary to the next level.  I played this game with my own children and we enjoyed it a lot. It's very easy and simple, sit in a circle, create a lucky draw by including all members, the winner will speak the first word then the next member will tell the word starting with the last alphabet of the spoken word within decided or given time. In the same way, the next member will tell the word starting with the last alphabet of the previous word. repetition will not be allowed. note down the score and have fun. If someone does not tell the word on his or her turn, will not get a point. In this way, you can engage your child in an interesting activity. 

Seed a Plant

Let your child seed a plant. ask your kids to water it daily and observe its growth. they can record its growth by taking pictures and by notifying its growth in the diary. Your kids will enjoy this activity. 

Train a pet

 Take a pet for your child and ask him to train it. Guide him about how to train a pet and help him develop a good relationship with his pet. Mostly, kids love their pets.  

Count-Down game

You can play count-down games with your kids. Give him a task with a time span. The task should be simple easy and fun for your child. When he gets closer to the timeline start countdown. You and your kids will surely enjoy this activity. 

Decorate the shelf/room

Ask your kids to decorate their shelves or rooms. While assigning them decoration tasks tell them the rules of decoration like don't throw cuttings or other things on the floor and keep everything in order. 


Place a whiteboard in some main yet approachable areas. Ask your child to show his creativity, findings, news, or anything useful he likes, on that whiteboard. 

Behavior problems in kids

 Kids struggle with several issues while they are growing up. In these days parenting has become a challenge because level of frustration is...