Top 5 tips to get pregnant faster


When you are ready to start a family then it's time to get pregnant. Once you have decided and are mentally ready on the way to the family then you have taken the initiative. 

If you and your partner do not have any complications then it is not a big science. Here are some tips that will help you in your purpose. 

Preconception Check-up:

You need to have a proper medical check-up (not necessary but considerable) to get to know the level and condition of the parental Vitamins that contain folic acid so that you can avoid birth defects like spina bifida

Menstrual Cycle:

According to Hillard "ovulation (a mature egg released from the ovary to fallopian tube) is the best time to get pregnant". For utilizing ovulation you need to have enough information about your menstrual cycle. In most cases, ovulation occurs  10-16 days before starting your next periods. 

Don't leave bed right after intercourse:

It is advised to get useful results of sexual intercourse that you need to stay in at least for 10-15 minutes after intercourse. Leaving bed right after intercourse is not good to get pregnant. 

Don't take stress:

 If you are wishing to conceive but getting late then not need to take the stress. Keep your calm, happy, and positive, believe me, it will work magic. 

Stress is a big hurdle to conceive especially when you going to plan your first baby. 

Healthy food and living style:

Practicing healthy living increases the chances of getting pregnant faster. Take a balanced diet and adopt healthy activties. 

Your habits sometimes create problems in getting pregnant. For example, your male partner's cell phone habit can create a problem. If he uses handsfree and places his phone near testicles while using it. Because according to a study in Fertility and Steritility keeping cell phones near testicles can cause poor sperm quality. 

In the same way, smoking and other pathogenic practices can also cause problems in conceiving. 

Top 10 Activities for kids in Lockdown

 As COVID_19 has hit the world the life has taken a big U-turn. The living and dealing have gone through big changes. It seems as the world is filled with horrible surprises. the world is facing challenges, so the parents are also facing challenges regarding their children/kids. Kids are trapped indoor and are getting frustrated.

I have met many parents complaining about the frustrated behavior of their kids during the lockdown. Kids need to be busy to consume their energy. There are some indoor activities that will help parents to get their kids busy. 

Create Family Time Diary. 

Create a family diary in which not down all special occasions, important events, and fun moments. Ask kids to portray the events in an amazing way. Or, everyday memories can be kept in your family diary.

Arrange a Menu

Arrange a menu and get your kids involved in deciding simple dishes. Let them do the simple task of cooking as well. For example, they can make a smoothie, can wash and arrange ingredients. Can make a card of nutritional facts of the main ingredient of the day. For example, you decided to take potato as the main ingredient of the day; means potato-based recipes will be cooked, they can search and state the nutritional facts of potato in an artistic way and you can place it on the dining table to let the family members know what they are going to take. 

Shoot the Moments

Nowadays, almost everyone has a smartphone that has cameras. If you do not professional camera then your cellphone camera will work best for shooting some moments. You or your child can shoot fun moments, special events, or even any type of natural or casual moment. For example, a butterfly in the lawn, a pet's funny acts, a recipe, or anything else that appeals to you or your child.  


You can develop a story for your child. You can encourage your kid to make the story of his/her choice. 

Play Spell games

This is really a wonderful activity that not only engages the children but increases their vocabulary to the next level.  I played this game with my own children and we enjoyed it a lot. It's very easy and simple, sit in a circle, create a lucky draw by including all members, the winner will speak the first word then the next member will tell the word starting with the last alphabet of the spoken word within decided or given time. In the same way, the next member will tell the word starting with the last alphabet of the previous word. repetition will not be allowed. note down the score and have fun. If someone does not tell the word on his or her turn, will not get a point. In this way, you can engage your child in an interesting activity. 

Seed a Plant

Let your child seed a plant. ask your kids to water it daily and observe its growth. they can record its growth by taking pictures and by notifying its growth in the diary. Your kids will enjoy this activity. 

Train a pet

 Take a pet for your child and ask him to train it. Guide him about how to train a pet and help him develop a good relationship with his pet. Mostly, kids love their pets.  

Count-Down game

You can play count-down games with your kids. Give him a task with a time span. The task should be simple easy and fun for your child. When he gets closer to the timeline start countdown. You and your kids will surely enjoy this activity. 

Decorate the shelf/room

Ask your kids to decorate their shelves or rooms. While assigning them decoration tasks tell them the rules of decoration like don't throw cuttings or other things on the floor and keep everything in order. 


Place a whiteboard in some main yet approachable areas. Ask your child to show his creativity, findings, news, or anything useful he likes, on that whiteboard. 

Folic Acid Deficiencies


Folic acid is one of the important ingredients that work for blood.  It is a well-known ingredient. The deficiency of folic acid causes anemia because folic acid helps the body to produce new cells. Especially for red blood cells, a suitable proportion of folic is required. If you or your child is suffering from high-level deficiency of folic acid then you need to overcome it by using particular supplements. While using folic acid supplements keep in your mind that must take the advice of an expert before getting started because an overdose can increase the risk of prostate and lung cancer. In the same way, an overdose of folic acid is also risky for heart patients and for those who don’t have stable blood pressure.

So, in short, move to the medication and folic supplements according to an expert’s advice as it can be risky and harmful for your health issues. So try your best to control your folic acid deficiency with foods that are rich in folic acid.

And if there is a minor deficiency of folic acid then you do not need medication or supplements in any way you can simply fulfill it with foods rich in folic acid. Especially, pregnant women badly need to use folic acid to save the babies from birth defects. Many babies die before their first birthday because of birth defects and 90% of those birth defects are caused by the deficiency of folic acid in mothers. Even many of these babies get expired in the first month of their life. So, if an expecting mother successfully maintains the level of folic acid during the first three months of her pregnancy then they can save their babies from the highly risked birth defects of the brain and spine.

Folic Acid Foods:

There are many types of foods available that can help to maintain the level of folic acid in your body. These foods not only help in improving the folic acid level in your body but these foods can help you to avoid the risk of folic acid deficiency.

·        Orange is a fruit that possesses a high amount of folate or folic acid. Just taking one orange a day can fulfill ten percent of the daily requirement. In the same way, a glass full of orange juice can contribute more.

·        Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are also very rich in folic acid and add a handsome amount of folic acid in your body.

·        Leafy green vegetables are also a good source of folic acid.

·        Beans, peas and lentils can supply a good amount of folic acid to your body.    

·        Chick pea and kidney beans have a good amount of folic acid.

·        Fortified foods like bread, cereals, and pasta also contain a good amount of folic acid.

These are the main foods that can provide an appropriate amount of folic acid to your body. As you can see, these are different types of food with a variety of tastes. You can make a diet chart in which you can choose what to take, when to take and how to take these folic acid-rich foods so that you can get the required amount with a combination of other useful ingredients.

For example, Orange and lemon are very rich in folic acid also contain other important nutrients that are also the need of your body. In the same way, leafy green vegetables are not only rich in folic acids but also have other vitamins as well. So, you can consume these folic acid foods according to your choice of taste. In this way, you can manage to take a balanced diet that is rich in folic acid.

Tips for the improvement of kid's writing skills

Writing is an essential skill. Writing does not mean putting the words on a blank sheet but it involves developing your child's creative skills as well as communication skills that play an important role in your child's life. Parents can develop their child's writing skills by indulging them in writing activities that are simple and fun. There are some tips and activities that can help the parents to promote the writing skills of children at home.

 Sending Message - you can write a note on the things he loves or use such as desk, tabs, pillows, favorite toy, etc. Of course, your child will write a note in return or will try to
write. A family notice-board can also prove a great tool to encourage your child to write. 

 Letters - Encourage your kids to write letters; even informal, to friends and family 

Family-Book - keep the record of your family history and life story. All family members can add their life stories to the Family-Book. State important events and memories of the year that is passing. At the start of the new year sit together and read your family-book with your children with joy and fun. And get ready for the next edition of the family book. 

 Cards Making: You can encourage your kids to create and design different types of cards for different occasions. For example, they can create wish cards, gift cards, postcards, invitation cards, apologies cards, etc. Encourage them to express their feelings in their own way. Card making helps them to develop their thinking skills and behavior skills as well. 
 Make a Menu - It's another interesting activity for your child. Ask your kids to design the menu for some special event or even for family dinner. In this way, they will not only improve their vocabulary but also learn to list and describe things.  

There are many ways to improve the writing skills of kids. Whenever you feel they will run short of vocabulary then write the difficult or new words for them on a  separate paper.
 Remember that the important thing for parents is to focus on the content instead of grammar and other details of the child’s writing. When a child begins to write, he/she runs the risk of receiving criticism. parents have the responsibility of encouraging their kids to continue.  Helping your kids to put thoughts into words gives them a great sense of accomplishment. 

How many hours of sleep do your kids need?

All living beings need rest and sleep. Sleep plays an important role in the growth and development of children of all ages. It is considered a primary activity of the brain during the early stages of development. Everyone has an asleep and awake cycle, so the kids also have an awake and sleep cycle. these cycles are followed by the lights and dark in the environment. These cycles work like rhythms. 
Newborn babies in their early stages (up to 3 months after their birth) of life have no sleeping and awakening cycles. After two months of birth, their brain starts to regulate the sleep cycle. The little babies spent most of their time in sleep. Sleep is very important for their mental as well as physical health. 
Another important factor that disturbs the baby's sleep in her early days, is her feeding requirements. younger babies have very fast digestive systems that's why they need to be fed in very short intervals; every two hours they need feed. Even during their sleep they seem to be restless and move their arms and legs etc. 
When a baby reaches six months, she does not require more feedings at night time and can sleep throughout the night without any break. As babies grow older their sleeping time decreases and they become more active with their growing age. Therefore, toddlers have 10-11 hours of sleep at night. Sometimes, toddlers resist getting asleep and sleep late o the schedule. In the same way, preschool children also need up to 11 hours of sound sleep but usually, they resist going to bed in time because of other activities like
watching TV, playing digital games, and using other media. But as a parent, you cannot ignore the need for sound sleep for growing kids because they can fall into anxiety and other mental disorders due to insufficient sleep. 
Parents should try their best to provide their kids all necessary things including their own time, to fulfill the requirements of their sleep. younger babies and kids are easy to handle. You can easily motivate them to fall asleep by putting them into comfortable beds, telling them stories and by keeping the room dark, etc.

Anemia A big Problem for Growing Children

It is a common disorder that is observed in kids. It reduces the number of red blood cells that carry oxygen to all parts of the body. Therefore, the blood in an anemic body has less ability to carry the oxygen.
Short breath, weakness, laziness, and tiredness are the common symptoms of anemia. But when it becomes stronger the patient seems to be going to expire and pale like a person on last breath. The extensive thirst is also observed in anemic persons.

Types of Anemia:

There are three types of anemia;
  • Caused by the decreased production of red blood cells.
  • Caused due to blood loss.
  • Caused by the extensive breakdown of red blood cells.
Each type has different reasons for disease. 

Lower production of red blood cells:

The basic reason for the lower production rate of red blood cells is the deficiency of iron that is observed in each 3rd child in 100. Other than this, the deficiency of Vitamin B12 also causes the lower production of red blood cells.

Blood Loss:

It can be caused due to trauma and gastrointestinal bleeding. These are the main causes of blood loss that lead to anemia.

Breakdown of red blood cells:

The breakdown of red blood cells can be caused by an infection in the blood. Therefore, it includes the size of red blood cells and the amount of oxygen in them.

Anemia is common among infants, pregnant women, and toddlers. Therefore, the parents should be careful about the diet of kids. They should use food containing iron and vitamin C. VitaminC increase the ability to absorption of iron. 

In short, whenever you feel your child is getting lazy and suffering from a lack of appetite then try to increase the amount of food based on iron and vitamin C.

Potty Training for kids

Time for it to say goodbye to diapers? Once you as well as your little one are ready, have a look at the actual twenty actions to help potty education. If you're unsure where to start, you may consider using a three-day potty-training weekend to help end the idea off of. Get suggestions through additional mothers and fathers and also understand exactly what does not support.
The idea appears like a dream or possibly a gimmick, does not the idea? The concept your little one may get secure while using the bathroom a few weeks – as well as one evening – may seem fantastic to help mothers and fathers ready for bathroom education to become an extended and also tough method.
Yet "quick-training" functions for many mothers and fathers – and it isn't the latest craze. Psychologists Nathan, Azrin and also Rich M. Foxx posted the actual book in which started out everything, Lavatory Coaching in less than a day, throughout 1974.

Bathroom training in 3 days

Bathroom education may be accomplished pretty easily together with some intensive energy.
Since then, several specialists have got unique off of their very own multiplied bathroom education methods. Below I'll clarify one strategy – the actual "potty training in a few days" technique defined throughout Julie Fellom's Diaper Cost-free Preschoolers program – and provides step-by-step instructions on how to make simple the idea meet your needs.
One thing to note: Employing this or maybe additional quick-training methods does not signify your kids are going to be perfectly bathroom trained in days. As an alternative, "success" will be almost certainly going to signify your kids will be while using the bathroom rather than diapers, although he may however have got incidents and also you'll want to support them together with elements of the task.
Aiding your kids to turn out to be completely secure while using the bathroom independently – and also coaching actions like tips on how to take the pants to decrease and also back up, clear the actual bathroom, and also rinse the arms – will probably acquire months involving follow-up energy. (And some abilities, like pulling pants around without support, probably will not be feasible for younger youngsters. )

You ought to consider the actual few days since the kick-off to a continuing method. The most important thing to consider will be there is not any "correct" way to bathroom train your kids – apart from these functions with regard to you and your family.

Initial: Do you want with regard to bathroom education?
Fellom's strategy calls for dedication, emphasis, and also dedication. It's actually a "bare-bottomed" procedure, and therefore with regard to 90 days when you finally begin bathroom education, your kids should head out naked under the actual stomach when he's at your home and also don just loose-fitting pants together with nothing at all below when he's shopping or maybe at daycare.
Diapers and also education pants are usually fine with regard to nap occasion and also sleeping, although should you use them often you can undo-options one's bathroom education development, Fellom affirms.

"If you truly desire this kind of to work, the idea just functions naked, inches Fellom affirms. "There are usually hardly any pants in the house for your 1st 90 days. inches
That said, some mothers and fathers are not at ease with this kind of necessity and find strategies to function about the idea. Look at the comments area in the bottom of this post because of their tips.
Exactly what you will require for your bathroom education weekend
You'll need a standalone bathroom chair to utilize at your home (ideally one for any major region whereby you would spend occasion, furthermore just about any bathrooms), an abundance of drinking water or maybe diluted drink to help beverage, and also appetizers in which encourage peeing (either salty people that will make a person thirsty, like crackers, or maybe foods together with high drinking water information like watermelon and also Popsicles).

Study the actual signs your little one is ready to undertake bathroom education.
Then of course you'll want items with regard to cleaning incidents (such as rags, clean-up alternative, plus a plastic material bucket) and some pairs involving loose-fitting pants for your little one to help don whenever you are away from home.
Suggested: It really is useful to experience a streamlined, transportable vacation bathroom to carry and also concerning, even though you could utilize a smaller standalone bathroom lounge chair alternatively.

You might fit a smaller hand towel or maybe an absorbent mat around your car couch to protect against incidents. A few mothers and fathers work with solutions including the Piddle Sleeping pad, although Fellom recommends a smaller sheepskin which you may locate at low-cost pieces of furniture merchants. Reduce the actual sheepskin by 50 %, then slice the idea to fit around the car seat connectors and also buckle, and also you'll find a very absorbent, washable, reusable mat.
Lastly, whether or not it's wintry where you live, you may want to have got area heating units readily available, as well as knee socks or maybe leg warmers for your little one to help don and so he will continue to be comfy while he's bare-bottomed at your home.

Coloring Shapes For Kids

You can save it to your PC and can color in default paint software. Or, You can print it out and can color it with any coloring tool. Enjoy Coloring

Color me and draw my door, please!

Color me and Tell who I am?

What is my name?

Which is Bigger?
color my face Please!

How to Train your Baby to Brush Teeth

It is very important for parents to take care of their
kid's teeth, as, teeth are not only important for health but also for their cute and beautiful smile. Now the question is when to start cleansing the teeth and why it is important to take care of baby teeth or milk teeth that do not last even for a decade and baby would have new permanent teeth at age of 6 or 7 years?

The answer is very simple. The most common disease among kids is tooth decay. Therefore we can do good for our kids to fight against the cavities, by training them properly for the maintenance of their teeth.
A toddler has twenty primary teeth that are for few years. But milk teeth are as important as adult or permanent teeth, because, milk teeth are basically a guide for adult teeth. If a child lost his baby teeth due to decay then he would not have enough space for adult teeth to appear. other than this the child will suffer from infection and pain and other problems related to teeth. Therefore it is very important to take care of the baby's teeth.

When a baby to start brushing teeth: 

The parents should clean the gums of their infants before appearing the teeth. You should clean their gums with a soft cloth, gauze, or infant-sized toothbrushes after every feeding. When your baby has first teeth at the age of 6 or 7 months you should have a visit to a dentist. And set up a proper routine of brushing teeth twice a day; after breakfast and before sleep. The toothbrush should be soft and small-headed. Brush your baby's teeth with water, don't use toothpaste until your child learn to spit.

When a child becomes 2 or 3 years old he should brush his teeth by himself. You can train him for self brushing in many ways. When you yourself brush your teeth, give brush in his hand and do brush together.
Or set a proper time for his brushing and make him follow the routine and properly guide him on how to brush his teeth. 
In short, toothbrush training is necessary for toddlers for their hygiene and beautiful smile.

Note: If you have some tips for training a baby to brush his teeth please share them in the comments.  


Bolt is an interesting movie for kids. My son loves to watch this movie. Bolt is an outstanding movie in which a cute dog works in movies and could not discriminate between reality and fiction. By watching this movie kids can easily distinguish between reality and fiction.  The majority of kids consider many characters and things that they watch in movies as real.  
By watching bolt it is easy for them to differentiate between fiction and nonfiction.  I remember my nephew was addicted to Ben10, he demanded ben10 watch .  So his father brought a toy ben10 watch for him.  When he wore it and wanted to become hero as ben10 but he could not,  then there was a great embarrassment for his parents.  It was hard for them to make him understand that this all is not real.

So these types of movies can help the parents as well as kids to consider movies and animations only entertainment,  not reality.
So enjoy bolt with your kids. 

Behavior problems in kids

 Kids struggle with several issues while they are growing up. In these days parenting has become a challenge because level of frustration is...